Audit & Assurance Services

This is the examination of financial statement by independent auditors in order to express an independent opinion as to whether the accounts present a True and Fair View. In doing this, Section 360 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, CAP C20 LFN 2004 requires the auditors to express his opinion as to whether:

Proper accounting records have been kept by the company and proper returns adequate for the audit have been received from branches not visited by them.

Company’s statement of financial position and its statement of profit or loss are in agreement with the account records and returns.
The scope of this audit is determined by the Act that is why it is called a statutory audit.

Audit is key to sustaining confidence in both your company and the financial system at large. It must keep pace with a fast-evolving corporate reporting environment. We approach our audit with a deep and broad understanding of our clients’ business, the industry in which the operate, and the latest regulatory standards. We consider the risks the company faces, the way management controls these risks and the transparency of the company’s reporting to stakeholders.

A help assure compliance with applicable reporting standards; there are important by-products of the audit process such as the identification of internal management issues and important insights that can help companies address both present and future challenges.